Do you have that moment when you feel all too weak and useless? Or that moment when you think you could have done better with your life or in everything? But then thinking too hard, you just couldn't because there are limitations. It could be a limit due to social norms, limit of resources, limit of talent, or the lack of "willingness" to do. How lethargic it can be at times. Leaving you wondering if it would even be possible to maintain the momentum of happiness and motivational balance that you pull through intrinsically or extrinsically. But would intrinsic factor be enough or extrinsic for that matter to keep you going? Or do you have to have a blend of both?
I always question life's complications. But i guess that is what makes life a LIFE. Nothing is easy, nothing is simple and sometimes nothing is what it seems. You laugh at one moment, then cry next. Happy at one point, then sorrowful next. You are on top now, and down later. You think you have everything, and realized you have nothing. Ironies of all ironies can happen. That is life. The laments, the rants, the pleas, the indifference, and most importantly the contentment and gratefulness. In short, pessimism and optimism. All these elements can make or break your way of life. You got to choose. You have to know. Know yourself and what you want. Only then and by then that you will understand the kind of life you want to lead. So think and act fast while enjoying every moment. Life is too short to realize it's too late. Carpe Diem!
yes ter, it is already too complicated so why worry our life away. :)